Mateusz Janicki. Actor. Improviser. Pedagogue.


Graduated in 2006 from the  State Higher Theatre School in Cracow (PWST, now – Cracow Theatre Academy). In 2014  made his debut in “Mistrz I Małgorzata” (Master and Margaret) under Krystian Lupa in Teatr Stary  theatre in Cracow.  For years he has been connected with  Łaźnia Nowa theatre in Cracow.  From 2011 – 2016, was an actor of Teatr Nowy theatre in Łódź, and since 2019 -  in Słowacki theatre in Cracow.   As an actor he has performed in plays by  directors - among others - Piotr Bikont, Wojtek Klemm, Wiktor Rubin, Bartosz Szydłowski, Jarosław Tumidajski and Michał Zadara.


Since 2004 has acted in various TV series, like “Czas Honoru”, “Singielka”, “Drogi Wolności”, “Na dobre i na złe”, “Stulecie Winnych”, as well as in feature films: “Lejdis” under Andrzej Saramonowicz,  “Supermarket” under Maciej Żak, “Karuzela” under Robert Wichrowski, “Powidoki” under Andrzej Wajda and “Zabawa, zabawa” under Kinga Dębska.


Co-founder and member of the Cracow Impro Krk. group.
Educator at the Dorota Zięciowska Actor Studio.
Graduate of the Cracow  J.Tischner  Higher European School (BA in international relations).
Ski instructor with the Yeti Sport Club.



2004 –2011 - Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im.ks. Józefa Tischnera

2002 – 2006 - Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Teatralna im. Ludwika Solskiego w Krakowie

2000 – 2002 - V Liceum Ogólnokształcące im A. Witkowskiego w Krakowie

1999 – 2000 - West Milford High School, USA, New Jersey

1998 – 1999 VII - Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Zofii Nałkowskiej w Krakowie

1989 – 1998 - I Społeczna Szkoła Podstawowa im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego;

Social activities.

“Krzysiek Pomaga Pomagać”
(Krzysiek helps to help) – an activity originated in 2013, to assist  one of the Yeti Sport Club members, then 15 years old  - Krzyś Graczyk, in recovery after his apoplexy.  Krzysiek’s friends from the Club and from the Regional Skiing Union (MOZN) have organized alpine skiing competitions to collect funds needed for that rehabilitation.  When Krzysiek improved, he and his parents decided to help others in a similar situation and for that purpose they created  a special organization.  So  now every year the “Krzysiek Pomaga Pomagać” association, in cooperation with Yeti Club and MOZN, organizes skiing competitions, concerts and  various auctions, in order to collect funds needed by victims of serious accidents having financial problems.


Actively supports all the initiatives dedicated to human rights and the rule of law.

Tries to support, in different ways, all pro-animal actions.

Poland Business Run

(PBR) - charity races (relays), currently organized by a special PBR foundation (created in 2016, led by Ms Aniela Pleti).   The first race took place in Cracow in 2013, thanks to financial support provided by Radisson Blue Hotel Kraków and “Poza Horyzonty” Foundation.   Since then the number of Polish cities where PBR relays are being organized is steadily increasing.


Kampania Przeciw Homofobii

Strongly believes that all people are equal and all need to be loved – since 2017 as an actor has been  actively supporting the “Kampania Przeciw Homofobii” (Community Action Against Homophobia) movement.


Together with “AYA Found” has organized the “Dziękujemy” (Thank You) action , being a collective portrait of “silent heroes”  of the pandemic time.


Has been an avid skier from a young age.  At 16 became a licensed younger SiTN skiing instructor, some years later – an officially licensed by the Ministry of Education skiing instructor.  Since 1990 – connected with Cracow skiing club Yeti, currently being its active trainer and member of the governing board.

For 14 years has been a sailor licensed by the Polish Sailing Society.

With various intensity is practising running, horsemanship, windsurfing and wakeboard.

For three years trained in Capoeira

For years has been working towards a motorcycle license during his free time.


The following people are those who have passed and before their passing heavily influenced Mauteusz during his upbringing.

Stanisław Olkiewicz – skiing instructor, co-founder of the Yeti Club.  He “infected” Mateusz with love of mountains and skiing.

Foto: Stawinski/REPORTER / East News

Piotr Bikont – stage manager, culinary censor, real hothead, founder of the Badów Theatre Society.  Thanks to him a theatre became to Mateusz not only a place to work on new performances, but also a place where you can meet interesting people.

Foto: Janusz Szymański

Zdzisław Jaskuła –

a poet, stage manager, the first Mateusz supervisor as director of Kazimierz Dejmek Teatr Nowy theatre in Łódź.  “If there is no “man” in a theatre, we do not need such a place”.